About Conference

    Dear Colleagues,

    Apex Global Meetings is delighted to announce and cordially invite all the participants across the globe to attend the 3rd Global summit and Expo on Nanotechnology and Material science GSNANO2025 which will be taking place from November 17-19 2025 Amsterdam, Netherlands. The theme of the conference is Latest Invocations and Technologies in Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials. Scientific Tracks designed for this conference will enable the attendees and participants to learn extremes.

    The meeting brings together world-class participants and young researchers looking for opportunities for exchanges that cross the traditional discipline boundaries and allows them to resolve multidisciplinary challenging problems that only a venue of this nature can offer. Conference provides a platform of international standards where you can discuss and share persuasive key advances in Polymer Science and Composite Materials.

    We look forward to your valuable presence at GSNANO2025 in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

    Joyce G| Event Manager
    GSNANO2025 | Apex Global Meetings

    Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology

    Carbon nanotechnology

    Emerging Technologies

    Electronics or Semiconductor Industry

    Energy Capture and Storage

    Environmental Nanotechnology

    Food Quality Control and Packaging

    Nanotechnology in optics

    Green Nanotechnology and Water Treatment

    Life Sciences & Nanomedicine

    Magnetic Resonance Imaging With Nanotechnology

    Modern Era of Nanotechnology & Engineering

    Nanobiotechnology and Nanosafety

    Nanochemistry and Wet Nanotechnology

    Nanoelectronics and Nanophotonics

    biomaterials and Nanorobotics

    Nanobiotechnology and Nanosafety

    Nanochemistry and Wet Nanotechnology

    Nanomaterials, biomaterials and synthesis

    Functional Materials & Carbon Nanotubes

    Smart Hybrid Materials

    3D Printing & Additive manufacturing

    Polymer Technology and Plastics

    Graphene Technology

    Nature and Properties of Materials

    Computational Material Science

    Materials Chemistry and Structural Materials

    Metals and Mining Materials

    Nanoengineering and Semiconductors

    Composite, Coating and Ceramic Materials

    Magnetism and Multiferroism

    Medical Devices & Advanced Energy Materials

    Polymers & Biopolymers

    Materials Science and Engineering

    The global nanotechnology market size was valued at $1.76 billion in 2020, and is projected to reach $33.63 billion by 2030, registering a CAGR of 36.4% from 2021 to 2030. Nano science and nanotechnology involve the study of nanoparticles and devices, which find their application across all the science fields such as chemical, bio-medical, mechanics, and material science among others. Nanotechnology market encompasses the production and application of physical, chemical, and biological systems and devices at scales ranging from individual atoms or molecules to around 100 nanometers.Nanotechnology carries a significant impact, and serves as a revolutionary and beneficial technology across various industrial domains, including communication, medicine, transportation, agriculture, energy, materials & manufacturing, consumer products, and households. Emerging use cases and application is expected to be one of the key factors contributing towards the growth of nanotechnology market size. The U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative has estimated that around 20,000 researchers are working in the field of nanotechnology. For the UK, the Institute of Occupational Medicine has estimated that approximately 2,000 people are employed in new nanotechnology companies and universities where they may be potentially exposed to nanoparticles.

    Important Dates

    Abstract Submission Deadline

    September 25, 2025

    Earlybird Registration Deadline

    March 10, 2025

    Standard Registration Deadline

    August 25, 2025

    Onspot Registration

    November 17 , 2025

    Plenary Speakers

    Prof. Paulo Cesar De Morais

    Catholic University of Brasilia

    Invited Speakers

    Prof. Leszek A. Dobrzanski

    Medical and Dental Engineering Center for Research


    Registration Includes

    • Access to all conference sessions, poster and exhibition area
    • Conference kit including name tag, program booklet and Abstracts book
    • 2 Coffee breaks and lunch for all the event days of the conference
    • Certificate of participation from Conference chair/ Session chair
    • Access to the all scientific sessions
    • Access to Business Development Sessions and Global Networking Session

    Benefits of Joining Conference

    • Encouraged to publish full length articles in Supporting Journals with discounted APC charges
    • Best Oral, Poster and Young Research Forum (YRF) presentation awards
    • Get Opportunity to Collaborate with future Apex Global Meetings
    • Avail Group Booking Discounts
    • All the articles presented in this conference will be considered for publications as per their quality in SCI / SCIE / SCOPUS / Peer Reviewed journals of Springer and / or other publishers

    Group Booking Discounts

    Groups of three or more will receive a Special discount by using the group code. If you have any queries, please contact us at or call
